Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Data Helps In Planning Efforts

By Stacey Burton
Transportation Planner

Data. For some, it causes eyes to glaze and thoughts of indecipherable numbers and formulas to pass through one’s head. However, data tells a story.  And when you get beyond the formulas and numbers, the story can be fascinating. 

KIPDA staff is currently working with a great deal of data in the development of the Connecting Kentuckiana Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and we hope to uncover a variety of stories as we sift through that data.  For example, where do people in our community go most often?  Where are the jobs today?  Where are they anticipated in the future? Where will housing be in the future? Will there be more multi-family housing? How many people are in the average household now?  What will that number be in the future? 

Review and analysis of the data will determine which stories become clearer, and we can use those to help inform the choices we make as we move forward with Connecting Kentuckiana.  Hopefully, decisions made using this data can help make your travel throughout our region  easier,  safer, and more efficient …  and improve your quality of life.  

Data and data analysis are critical for a better understanding of the world around us.  Data we use in developing a transportation plan assists us in better realizing the human condition and what we can do to make it better.  So the next time you see a lot of numbers and you feel the glaze coming on (and I can say that occasionally I am a victim myself),  try to remember that there is a story there. It is in the numbers. 

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