Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Federal Certification Review Complete, Results Available Online

The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration have completed the Federal Ceritification Review for the Louisville Southern Indiana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), its planning partners and the areas planning process.

Federal reviewers came to the KIPDA offices and met with staff and the planning partners to obtain information on the planning practices and also held a public meeting. The results of their finding are as follows:

Corrective actions - which are elements of the planning process that are not being adequately addressed  by the MPO:

(1) States are required to develop planning agreements with the MPOs to clarify roles and responsibilities and to explain how they will work cooperatively in the development of planning tools such as metropolitan transportation plans and transportation improvement programs. The review team found a lack of clarity and certainty regarding identification of projects and revenues in the metropolitan region and issues a corrective action to the MPO and the two states that the planning agreements must be updated to more clearly describe the process used by them to develop revenue estimates and projects' cost.

(2) The Horizon 2030 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) expired on December 8, 2009, and the MPO is in a one-year grace period. The MPO had to approve a new MTP or complete and update to the current document by December 8, 2010 (we have since done this!), to avoid conformity and planning lapse. Thus, we were given a corrective action for not having a fically constraint document.

Recommendations - Items that he review team feels will improve the process for the region and should be seriously considered for implementation in the near future:

(1) Staff was recommended to participate in upcoming workshops (Oct. 19-21) that the HUD/EPA/DOT Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Program are hosting. Staff participated in the workshop.

(2) Increase the visibility of transit in the MTP and Transportation Improvement Program.

(3) The Congestion Mitigation Process be updated as soon as possible as the current version is almost 6 years old. The update should include non-motorized means as well as intelligent transportation system (ITS) strategies and should correlate with the Regional ITS Architecture.

(4) The MPO works with the two state DOTs to clarify requirements for the ADA Transition Plans and develop an enforcement plan within 18 months for all applicable recipients of federal-aid transportation funds.

(5) Assist the applicants in developing the quantified emission reductions so that all CMAQ applications can be ranked on an even basis.

(6) With the update of the Public Participation Plan market the many opportunities/locations available for input and consider the FHWA/FTA public listening session input on locations, transparency, use of the web and other relevant issues.

Commendations - Items worthy of recognition:

(1) The joint KIPDA/TARC vanpool program is an exemplary example in its geographic distribution and vibrancy. Team suggested KIPDA quantify the benefits of the program and share good practices.

(2) Commended for being in the MOVES pilot group for the nation and making efforts to share the information we have learned by documenting the process and making presentations.

(3) The volume of work by KIPDA/INDOT/KYTC is outstanding in the areas of ARRA, update of the MTP, financial management of expectations of the Ohio River Bridges, TARC participation in ARRA and organization of the regional planning conference.

To view the complete report (which is posted in three parts), go to http://www.kipda.org/Transportation/MPO/FederalCertificationReview2010.aspx

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